Saturday, February 16, 2013

Getting organized [Organize me Please!!!]

If you're like me; and think it's impossible to get organized after years of collecting items large and small- think again. Organization is a state of mind, that you can achieve at any time in your life.  An important concept never to overlook about good organization is that it clears up your mind so you can move on to other things. That alone is reason enough to haul in the boxes. I myself feared that it will take weeks, months or years to achieve, so I let it sit on the back burner until I was ready to throw everything away.  Never throw everything away!  I agree, taking on an assiduous task like this in the middle of your life is hard to do.  But if you don't you can forget about enjoying your space or unhindered progress.  It matters it really does. Well, now it's time you make it simple. In viewing this bath, you realize that having a simple color palette is the trick, huge blocks of color and accessories to hold any room together.  And if you have the occasional bad day; if all the contents in the room are in the same color family; it's hard to find the mess.  A big misconception that I had with organization was taking care of the big things and leaving the small things to be handled as time went on.  But that's not true; the small things make it impossible to see when you're headed down hill.  They can hide beneath larger things and before you know it you'll have a nice part of your day devoted to cleaning.  Take the small stuff seriously.


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